Media (1990-2014) - Népszabadság
This database consists of the coded articles (cca. 53.000 cases) of Népszabadság (a left-liberal daily).
Media (2002-2014) - Magyar Nemzet
This database consists of the articles of Magyar Nemzet (conservative daily).
Front pages of Népszabadság (1990-2014)
Front pages of Magyar Nemzet (1990-2014)
Front pages of Világgazdaság (1990-2015)
Reports of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (2007-2022)
Most Important Problems and Public Priorities (2004-2018, 2020)
Parliamentary cycles
The start and end date of parliamentary cycles from 1861 to 2018.
Single Member Districts
This dataset contains information about the single member districts of Hungary from 1990 to 2014.
Government Affiliation in the Hungarian National
This dataset contains information about each ministry (government department) of Hungary since 1990 and every political actors who can be addressed by individual proposal.
Party Manifestos
This database contains information about the party manifestos since 1990.
Speeches of the Prime Minister (2010-2018)
These datasets contain information about each speeches of Hungarian Prime Minister between 2010-2018 in the legislature and between 2010-2014 out of the legislature.
Speeches of the President of the Republic
These datasets contain information about each
speeches of the Hungarian President of the Republic
between 2012-2018.