A 2017. június 15-17-én megrendezett tizedik éves CAP-konferencián kilenc munkatársunk tanulmányai alapján tartottak előadásokat.
- Böcskei Balázs -Mikecz Dániel: The Agenda-setting Potential of Hungarian Political Protests
- Boda Zsolt - Mátyás Eszter: Democratic backlash and changes in environmental governance: The case of Hungary
Pokornyi Zsanett: Agenda diversity and the role of core functions of governments in Hungary: the case of executive speeches
Sebők Miklós - Berki Tamás : Incrementalism and punctuated equilibrium in Hungarian budgeting
Molnár Csaba : Political Autonomy in a Centrally-Driven Legislature: The Case of the Socialist Hungary (1949-1990)
Balázs Ágnes : Nationality Spokespersons’ Activity and Their Impact on Parliament Agenda in Hungary
Boda Zsolt - Micsinai István : Agenda dynamics and the stages of democracy: the case of Hungary
(A konferencia részletes programja: http://comparativeagendas.s3.amazonaws.com/adhocfiles/CAP2017_Programme_170605.pdf)